The bishop is the leading clergyman in the regional church and leads it by word and sacrament.
Tobias Bilz
Tobias Bilz is the 9th Saxon bishop holding office since 10 March 2020.
Tobias Bilz comes from Saxony and was born in 1964 in the village Dornreichenbach near the city of Wurzen. After graduating from school, he completed an apprenticeship for industrial mechanics and worked in that profession until beginning his theological studies at the "Theologisches Seminar Leipzig". Following the first theological exam, he completed his curacy at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Limbach-Oberfrohna and at the parish of the Pauli-Kreuz-Church in Chemnitz.
After passing his second theological exam in 1991 and being ordained in the same year, Tobias Bilz was sent to be the pastor of the parish of Erlbach-Kirchberg in the former precinct of Stollberg.
In 1999 he became pastor of the parishes in Erlbach-Kirchberg and Ursprung, including Seifersdorf. Starting in 2001, he additionally served as the youth pastor in the church precinct of Stollberg.
Tobias Bilz was assigned to be the youth pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony (EVLKS) in 2007. He completed an extra occupational training in 2012 for the consultation and organizational development of parishes in Friedberg/Hessen.
At the beginning of 2019 Tobias Bilz assumed the office of the department head for church development and pastoral care ("Dezernat IV") at the administrative church office of the EVLKS.
On February 29, 2020 the regional synod elected Tobias Bilz to be the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saxony for 12 years. Following his election, he assumed the office of bishop on March 1, 2020.
Tobias Bilz is married and has 3 adult children.

An der Kreuzkirche 6
D-01067 Dresden
Phone: +49-351 3105724
Fax: +49-351 3400281
E-Mail: bischof@evlks.de
The tasks and functions of the bishop
The bishop is the leading clergyman in the regional church and leads it by word and sacrament.
One of the most important tasks of the bishop is to guarantee the unity of the regional church and strengthen it.
His tasks also include discussing matters with churches, pastors and ordinary members and strengthening them in their spiritual walk. He is a counsellor for the pastors in the regional church and supports them in their work.
The bishop represents the regional church in public and expresses the regional church’s point of view on current social issues based on its Christian mission. He maintains contacts with other Christian churches in Saxony and the Evangelical churches in Germany.
The bishop is elected by a secret vote at the regional synod to serve for 12 years.