“Evangelical Lutheran” is one of the major denominations within Christianity. Lutheran churches trace their roots back to the Reformation and Martin Luther.
Evangelical lutheran churches are at pains to bring their spiritual life completely into line with the Bible. The name “Evangelical” refers to the Greek word “evangelium” – which means “good news”.
Evangelical Lutheran doctrine is supposed to be based solely on the Bible (Luther used the phrase “sola scriptura” – Scripture alone). Every church doctrine and practice must be guided by the Bible.
Lutheran churches want to pass on the good news that God loves people without any preconditions. As justification is by faith alone (“sola gratia”), our own works do not lead us to salvation, but faith alone (“sola fide”) that Jesus Christ has completed the work of salvation on the cross (“solus Christus”).

The Reformation experienced by the Christian church in the 16th century had different geographical emphases. The Reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) operated in Wittenberg. The churches that relate to him and have been shaped by his doctrine are called “Lutheran” churches. They include 12 million members in Germany and 75 million Christians around the globe. They are united in the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).
The Lutheran church in Germany is organised into regional churches and they are governed by state church contracts. The Evangelical Lutheran Regional Church of Saxony is a member of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany (VELKD) and the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). It is also involved ecumenically, for example, in the Working Community of Christian Churches.