English Services and Churches
Frauenkirche Dresden

On Sundays two services are celebrated. The morning service begins at 11 a.m. and the evening service at 6 p.m. The morning service predominantly features choral music and the evening service instrumental church music.
Once a month, usually on the third Sunday, the evening service at 6 p.m. is an Anglican evensong. This service is held in English and is open to everyone.
Frauenkirche Dresden, Neumarkt , 01067 Dresden
Ev. Luth. Lutherkirchgemeinde Chemnitz

Sunday Services from 9.30 to approx. 11.30 a.m.
In the church building on the righthand side you will find a sign that reads "Translation service". Just sit down there and you will find interpreters ready to assist you. Usually we translate from German into English (headsets available), but if you don't speak English either, we will try to find another solution for you.
Ev. Luth. Lutherkirchgemeinde Chemnitz, Zschopauer Str. 151, 09126 Chemnitz
Leipzig English Church (Anglican)

Morning Services 10.30 a.m. and Evening Services 6 p.m.:
Morning services have often an additional children's talk and provide separate meetings for children.
Services are held every Sunday throughout the year at:
Gemeindehaus der Andreaskirche, Scharnhorststr. 29, 04275 Leipzig